-rwxr-xr-x 4336 lib25519-20240928/autogen/md-speed raw
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os
uarchdate = {
'a72':20160101, # XXX: announced in 2015.02 but supposedly not shipped until 2016
'airmont':20150401, # XXX: not sure about exact date
'ares':20190220, # neoverse n1
uarchname = {
'a53':'Cortex-A53 (2012)',
'a72':'Cortex-A72 (2016)',
'airmont':'Airmont (2015)',
'ares':'Ares (2019)',
'broadwell':'Broadwell (2014)',
'core2':'Core 2 (2006)',
'firestorm':'Firestorm (2020)',
'goldencove':'Golden Cove (2021)',
'goldmont':'Goldmont (2016)',
'haswell':'Haswell (2013)',
'skylake':'Skylake (2015)',
'tigerlake':'Tiger Lake (2020)',
'zen2':'Zen 2 (2019)',
'zen3':'Zen 3 (2020)',
def sortkey(m):
uarch = ''.join(m.split('-')[:1])
return uarchdate[uarch]
machines = sorted(os.listdir('benchmarks'),key=sortkey,reverse=True)
def lib25519(m,s2n=False,exp=False):
uarch = uarchname[''.join(m.split('-')[:1])]
benchmarksdir = ('benchmarks+s2n+exp' if s2n else 'benchmarks+exp') if exp else ('benchmarks+s2n' if s2n else 'benchmarks')
libraryname = ('lib25519+s2n+exp' if s2n else 'lib25519+exp') if exp else ('lib25519+s2n' if s2n else 'lib25519')
with open(f'{benchmarksdir}/{m}') as f:
for line in f:
line = line.split()
if len(line) < 4: continue
if line[:3] == ['dh_x25519_keypair','selected','32']:
dh_keypair = int(line[3])
if line[:3] == ['dh_x25519','selected','32']:
dh = int(line[3])
if line[:3] == ['sign_ed25519_keypair','selected','32']:
sign_keypair = int(line[3])
if line[:3] == ['sign_ed25519','selected','59']:
sign = int(line[3])
if line[:3] == ['sign_ed25519_open','selected','59']:
verify = int(line[3])
if line[:3] == ['nPbatch_montgomery25519','selected','16']:
nPbatch_16 = int(line[3])
if line[:3] == ['multiscalar_ed25519','selected','16']:
multiscalar_16 = int(line[3])
C = '<span class=lib25519>'
D = '</span>'
out.write(f'| | {C}{libraryname}{D} | {C}{dh_keypair}{D} | {C}{dh}{D} | {C}{nPbatch_16//16}{D} | {C}{sign_keypair}{D} | {C}{sign}{D} | {C}{verify}{D} | {C}{multiscalar_16//16}\n')
def openssl(m):
uarch = uarchname[''.join(m.split('-')[:1])]
with open(f'speedcomparison/openssl/{m}') as f:
for line in f:
line = line.split()
if len(line) < 2: continue
if line[:1] == ['x25519-keygen-main']:
dh_keypair = int(line[1])
if line[:1] == ['x25519-dh-main']:
dh = int(line[1])
if line[:1] == ['ed25519-keygen-main']:
sign_keypair = int(line[1])
if line[:1] == ['ed25519-sign-main']:
sign = int(line[1])
if line[:1] == ['ed25519-verify-main']:
verify = int(line[1])
C = '<span class=openssl>'
D = '</span>'
out.write(f'| {uarch} | {C}OpenSSL{D} | {C}{dh_keypair}{D} | {C}{dh}{D} | | {C}{sign_keypair}{D} | {C}{sign}{D} | {C}{verify}{D} | |\n')
def s2n(m):
uarch = uarchname[''.join(m.split('-')[:1])]
dh_keypair = None
dh = None
for alt in 'alt-','':
with open(f'speedcomparison/s2n-bignum/{alt}{m}') as f:
for line in f:
line = line.split()
if len(line) < 2: continue
if line[:1] == ['x25519-keygen']:
if dh_keypair is None or int(line[1]) < dh_keypair:
dh_keypair = int(line[1])
if line[:1] == ['x25519-dh']:
if dh is None or int(line[1]) < dh:
dh = int(line[1])
C = '<span class=s2n>'
D = '</span>'
out.write(f'| | {C}s2n-bignum{D} | {C}{dh_keypair}{D} | {C}{dh}{D} | | | | | |\n')
with open('doc/speed.md','w') as out:
with open('autogen/md-speed-top') as f:
out.write('| μarch | software | X key | X dh | X batch | Ed key | Ed sign | Ed verif | Ed MSM |\n')
out.write('| :---- | :------- | ----: | ---: | ------: | -----: | ------: | -------: | -----: |\n')
for m in machines:
with open('autogen/md-speed-bot') as f: